Divine Love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive. I give in love and I trust in God. And so it is.
Mail a donation or use your Online Checking
If you dislike writing and mailing checks, Online Banking will send your tithe to our address.
Just add us to your checking account payment method!
Our address is:
Unity of Birmingham
2803 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Online with Breeze
Breeze is a online payment system that allows you to set up a profile and make tithes and donations directly to Unity of Birmingham and keep track of your charitable givings.
Text with Breeze
Keep it simple and donate via text at (205) 984-2448 with the amount you want to give.
(The first time you use text, you will be sent a one-time use link to set up payment information.)

Thank you for your generosity.
You make Unity of Birmingham possible.
For it is in giving that we receive.
~Saint Francis of Assisi